Shasta County Women's Organizations
AAUW PO Box 994593 Redding, CA 96099
Contact: Pat Williams, President, 547-3924
Jan Malik, Membership, 547-2031
Girls Inc.
Girls Incorporated of the Northern Sacramento Valley PO Box 1135 Red Bluff, CA 96080 530 515-7461
National Contact: 212 509-2000
League of Women Voter's
PO Box 991493 Redding,
CA 96099-1493 Susan Wilson, President, 243-7760
Soroptimist International of Downtown
PO Box 990695 Redding, CA 96099 223-7182
International of Redding
PO Box 990762 Redding,
CA 96099
Girls Inc of the Northern Sacramento Valley Tehama * Shasta * Glenn Counties
Site Copyright: 2005-2020
Lynn E. Fritz, Marriage, Family Therapist, MFC 45877 1452 Oregon Street, Redding, CA 96001, 530 243-8862, Email: |