
Office is located inside the historic McCormick Mansion |
- Individuals, Youth, Adolescents & Couples
- Personal Growth & Empowerment
- Group
Counseling for Special Needs
- Special Seminars presented in:
- Media Literacy
- Multicultural
Competencies & Diversity Awareness
- Chemical Dependency & Addictions
- Women's
- Native American Cultural Awareness
- Cancer
- Personal Empowerment
- Grief
- Trauma
- Spirituality
- Rituals
- Suicide
- Satir Oriented Psychotherapy
- Neurofeedback
- Treatment
Plan to Suit Your Specific Needs
- EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)
to process trauma and anxiety. See link below.
- Grief and Life Transitions
- Eating Disorders
- Sandplay for Children and Adults
- Relational
- Exceptional Living: Creating the Life you
- Spirituality-Honoring
Your Faith & Traditions
- Use of Ritual by Special Requeset
Cash, Checks, Victim Witness, Mastercard & Visa Accepted
Go to EMDR Institute
Site Copyright: 2005-2020
Lynn E. Fritz, Marriage, Family Therapist, MFC 45877 1452 Oregon Street, Redding, CA 96001, 530 243-8862, Email:
lynnfritz.lmft@gmail.com |