The Round House on the Pond Lynn has lived at the Round House on the Pond on Park Marina Drive since September 2001. The house
was constructed in 1971 by Bob Spaid and, despite local rumors, has always been used as a private residence. Frequent
residents of the pond include the otters, Canada geese, beaver, a variety of fish, turtles and foul. Occasionally a
white swan visits as well.
Enjoy Magazine of Redding. October 2008, featured an article on The Round House.
Information on the original concept and design is highlighted as well as photos.
Enjoy Magazine Article on their website.

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Lynn E. Fritz, Marriage, Family Therapist, MFC 45877 1452 Oregon Street, Redding, CA 96001, 530 243-8862, Email:
lynnfritz.lmft@gmail.com |