Stay Tune for a 1-3 Day Co-Ed White Water Rafting in Summer

July 2006 Trinity River entering Hell's Hole Rapid |
The Interfaith Experience: Solstice/Holiday Candle Lighting
Service - Redding, CA Presented
by Rev. Lynn E. Fritz Co-Presented
by Dr.
Rev. Ann Corrin, Christian Tradition Chris Carrigan, Buddhist Tradition, River Oak Sangha *Joey Carroll, Native American Flute * Zonia Warchala, Pianist ~ Christmas Carols ~ Interfaith ~ Candle Lighting
Date: Thursday, December 22,
2016 Time: 6:30-8:00
PM Location: Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ 2850
Foothill Blvd * Redding Recommended Donation: $5 Per Person For more information: 530 243-8862 or 530 243-3121
The Sacred Drum Circle
- Redding, CA Drumming as Spiritual Practice ~ Attune to the Sacred Participants are asked to bring a Drum or Rattle (If possible) This Circle Honors the Life & Work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Event is Indoors * Please arrive early so you are in place by start time Date: Monday, January 16, 2017 Time:
7:30-8:30 PM Location:
Center for Spiritual Living
1905 Hartnell Avenue * Redding If interested in being on the email list for notification of Drum
Circle meetings, please email me at lynnfritz.lmft@gmail.com and you'll be placed on the email list. Recommended Donation: $5 per Person (Donations
ensure event continues) For
more information: 530 243-8862
November 2016 Presenter of "Native American Cultural Awareness", Simpson University, Redding,
CA November 2016 Presenter of "Spirituality & Religion in Psychotherapy" at National
Association of Social Workers, Northern Gateway Unit, Redding, CA April 2016 Presenter of "Spirituality
& Religion in Psychotherapy" at Redding Regional Chapter-CAMFT, Redding, CA March 2016 Presenter of "A Native American Relational Experience" for Far Northern
Regional Center, Redding, CA October 2015 Attended the Parliament
of World Religions, Salt Lake City, UT May 2015 Presenter of
"Spirituality & Religion in Psychotherapy" At California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist 2015 Annual
Conference January 2014, 2015: Coordinator & Facilitator
for Martin Luther King Jr Bell Ringing Service, Redding, CA May 2013: Presenter of "Suicide: The Crisis and Beyond"
at California Association of Marriage and Family Therpists 2013 Annual Conference. September 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015: "Grief:
The Journey of Healing," an evening of sacred ritual and healing in collaboration with Mercy Hospice. Presenter
and event coordinator. July 2011: International Centers for Spiritual Living Asilomar Annual Conference "Effective
Marketing with a Limited or No Budget" Pacific Grove, CA May 2011: Native American "Welcoming Ceremony" to open the 47th Annual
Conference of Calif Association of Marriage & Family Therapists in South San Francisco, CA May 2011: 4 Hour Continuing Education Workshop
on Multiculturalism: Ethnicity and Spirituality in Clinical Practice; 47th Annual Conference of Calif Asso. of Marriage &
Family Therapists, South San Francisco, CA August 2010: Shasta
Trinity Schools Insurance Group Health Faire "Balancing Life
& Reducing Stress: Mental Wellness" February 2010: California Association
of Marriage & Family Therapists, Leadership Conference, Santa Clara, CA, Facilitated Multicultural Breakout
Session. August 2009: First Nations/Native American Ceremony, Patrick Point State Park, Yurok Village, Trinidad, CA July 2009: New Thought New World Conference. San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, CA. Workshop: "Embracing the Spiritual
Traditions & Cultural History of the First Nations/Native American People" April
2009: Hospice National Foundation of America Sixteenth Annual Teleconference, Mercy Medical Center "Living with Grief: Diversity and End of Life Care" Diversity
Panelist March 2009: Leadership Alive Conference, International Centers for Spiritual Living , Asilomar
Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA "Effective Marketing with a Limited or No Budget. February 2009: California Association of Marriage &
Family Therapist Leadership Conference * Sheraton Hotel, Los Angeles Breakout Session Facilitator-Multicultural Competencies/Diversity January 2009: "Violence in Shasta County" Community Forum/Town
Hall Meeting. Keynote speaker: Mary Manin Morrissey, International Speaker, Author. Community Panel:
Mary Leas Stegall, Redding City Council; Lt. Mike Ashmun, Shasta County Sheriff's Office; Chief Peter Hansen, Redding
Police Dept. and Denny Mills, Shasta County Office of Education/VOICES. Guest Speakers: Maggie John, Shasta
Women's Refuge and Andrea Asebedo, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. - August 2008: Created and presented "Inviting the Sacred,"
a multicultural spiritual experience. Location: Center for Spiritual Living-Redding
- September 2007: Guest speaker at West Hawaii Church of Religious
Science/Center for Positive Living - Waikoloa, Hawaii
- August 2007: Northstate Public Radio Program with Silas
Lyons, Editor, Record Searchlight, David Little, Chico Enterprise Record and Lorraine Dechter, News Director, Northstate
Public Radio, Co-Host with Silas Lyons, Editor,
Record Searchlight, David Little, Chico Enterprise Record and Lorraine Dechter, News Director, Northstate Public Radio,
- April 2006: "Media VIolence & Violent Crime" with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman at the Spiritual
Enrichment Center. The event was a six-hour seminar on the psychological and sociological impact of violence.
Continuing education units were available for MFTs, LCSWs, RNs and Psychologists. POST credits were available for law
enforcement. Visit www.killology.com for more information on Col. Grossman.
- April 2006: Record Searchlight Book
Club/Community Forum with author Lt. Col. Dave Grossman presenting his book "Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill."
Event included a community leaders panel with Redding Mayor, Ken Murray, Capt. Dave Dean, Shasta County Sheriff's Office,
Capt. Chuck Lebak, Redding Police Dept., Charlie Menoher, Youth Violence Prevention Council of Shasta County and Mike Borgaard,
Alternative Education, Shasta County Office of Education.
- March 2006: "Second Annual Women's
History Celebration" at the Cascade Theatre with an educational film, "A Century of Women: Work
& Family," Joan Borysenko, PhD and the music of Karen Drucker. The event was coordinated with CNN Productions,
Inc. and a community Committee of women therapists.
- March 2006, May & September 2005: Staff
Training for Shasta County Women's Refuge on Native American Cultural Awareness, Redding, CA.
- April 2005: Moderator and Event Coordinator
for Nonviolence Forum for "A Season for Nonviolence."
- March 2005: Native American Blessing/Prayer
at Peace Memorial in Redding, CA
- February 2005: "A Century of Women," an educational
film and program on women's history, at the Cascade Theatre in Redding, California. Coordinated event with CNN and
League of Women Voters of Redding.
- February 2005: Presenter on "Profile & Discussion"
on the life and work of Albert Einstein & Aung San Suu Kyi for "A Season for Nonviolence" programs in Redding,
- July 2005: Speaker for "Celebrating Life and Diversity" Cascade Theatre, Redding, CA.
Site Copyright: 2005-2020
Lynn E. Fritz, Marriage, Family Therapist, MFC 45877 1452 Oregon Street, Redding, CA 96001, 530 243-8862, Email:
lynnfritz.lmft@gmail.com |